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Laguna 3 radio kod


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bratu na moru rikno akumulator, pa nakon promjene trazi kod radia...

kako se unosi i da li netko zna koji je?

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Ima li u papirima kod?


Unosi se sa komandama na volanu. 


Input Code

1. Switch on the radio and then 0000 will appear in the display screen.

2. Adjust the flashing digit with the thumb wheel on the steering wheel radio control.

3. Press the lower key on the steering wheel radio control to confirm the digit and move to the next one.

4. When complete press the lower key on the steering wheel control until you hear a bleep which should validate the code.

So if your code is 1232:

1. Turn the thumb wheel until you see 1 then press lower key.

2. Turn the thumb wheel until you see 2 then press lower key.

3. Turn the thumb wheel until you see 3 then press lower key.

4. Turn the thumb wheel until you see 2 then press lower key

5. Then press and hold the lower key on the steering wheel stalk until you hear a bleep.

The code should now entered and saved. 

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ma joj, sve je rjeseno, bio riknuo osigurac na radiu...

trebalo mi je sat vremena telefonski da skuzim o cem se radi, kad ides objasnjavat nekome o necemu o cemu on nema pojma, uffff...

fala dragane svejedno :dobroje:

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