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Renault novi modeli


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E, neke od ovih ideja su pre-predobre! Kad bi bar jedna od njih u proizvodnju.. :bigl:

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Stvarno su mi bezveze ta dodatna svijetla i naprijed i odozada. Bez njih bi bio puno lijepši.

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Nije loše ali te maglenke.....Užas....

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Ovako ni Yeti ni Juke mnogima nisu simpatični. Meni jesu. :hopla:

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Stvarno su mi bezveze ta dodatna svijetla i naprijed i odozada. Bez njih bi bio puno lijepši.

bez njih bi bio aktualni twingo :)

veoma ružno vozilo :D

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Slazem se. Prvi twingo nije bio lijep, ali je imao 'ono nesto', kako izgledom, tako i u voznji. Ovaj novi Twingo je OK gradski mali auto, ali mene nije odusevio na probnoj voznji. Samo je to - OK mali gradski auto. :(

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Slazem se. Prvi twingo nije bio lijep, ali je imao 'ono nesto', kako izgledom, tako i u voznji. Ovaj novi Twingo je OK gradski mali auto, ali mene nije odusevio na probnoj voznji. Samo je to - OK mali gradski auto. :(

Twingo 1 oduševljava kako održavanjem tako voznim osobinama...

Ovo ovdje je čini se twingo 2 faza 2...male izmjene...

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pa da, ovo i je ph.2, bar bi trebao biti i izgledom i tradiciom renaulta. meni je simpa

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prednji kraj mogu provarit (iako me zanima kako će izgledat najniži paket opreme bez maglenki 57.gif ), ali zadnji kraj mi je doh1.gif di su išli od jednostavnih štopova radit komplikacije i ubacivat komad štopova na vrata bunkera... i to onako bzvz, bez neke poveznice... bonk.gif

EDIT: Evo, u paintu sam napravio štopove kakvi bi po meni bolje legli... iako je i to daleko od idealnog...

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Edited by pešekan
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aktualni mi je skroz oke... mogli su samo masku zakeljit bez ovih nadroksanih očiju, malo nutra neke šminkice i ko bog.

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Po mome, samo je prvi twingo pravi, ovaj drugi nije twingo i nikada neće biti twingo. S prvim ima zajednički samo izgled kvake na vratima. Mogli su ga komotno nazvati i Clingo ili Modulingo. Nije mi sjeo ni dizajnom ni osjećajem u vožnji. Što se mene tiče i ovaj redizajn je totalni prc, čak i sa svjetlima koja na Škodi sasquatch i ne izgledaju loše na "Clingu" su baš ruglo. :roll:

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  • 4 weeks later...

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prva slika pokazuje 4 koncepta novog renaultovog glavnog dizajnera... prva tri su predstavljena vec dok ovaj zadnji nije. pretpostavlja se da je ovaj zadnji koncept na kojem ce se bazirati novi clio 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

novi motori za megane 3!!! energy tce 1.2 115 ks i doradjeni 1.5 energy dci od 110 ks (vjerojatno par novotarija dodanih sa 1.6 dci motora i stop start sustav)

drago mi je da ce napokon zamjeniti 1.6 16 motor. :hura:

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Ima li gdje podataka za tce 115? Vidio sam one slike na renault.com, ali nisam nabasao na tehničke podatke ili graf.

Energy 110 će biti bomba što se tiče potrošnje, već su 105 i 110 obični bili izvrsni, a tek sa start i stop i drugim sustavima koji su dio tog energy paketa...

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Ima li gdje podataka za tce 115? Vidio sam one slike na renault.com, ali nisam nabasao na tehničke podatke ili graf.

Energy 110 će biti bomba što se tiče potrošnje, već su 105 i 110 obični bili izvrsni, a tek sa start i stop i drugim sustavima koji su dio tog energy paketa...

a ja mislim da ce ovi energy tce biti bomba sto se tice performansi... momenta kao i kod 1.4 tce motora, a 90 posto dostupno vec od 1.500 okretaja... :dobroje: morat ce po hitno staviti i 1.4 tce motor pod ENERGY tretman. a kakva ce to tek biti bomba od motora.

mislim da bi ovaj energy 1.2 tce motor trebao dolaziti i s automatikom sa dvostrukom spojkom.

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Još da onaj 1.6 dig-t iz Jukea prilagode energy specifikaciji i zaista će imati (nakon dugo vremena) odličnu gamu benzinaca.

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mi moze netko pojasnit u cemu je stvar u tom "energy" tretmanu? :)

Stop&Start, deceleration/braking energy recovery, thermal management technology and variable displacement oil pump.

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Nabace im start&stop, neku dodatnu uštedu energije, malo bolje podmažu i eto ti :)

Stop & Start technology with braking/deceleration energy recovery (ESM) involves automatically cutting the engine when the vehicle is at a standstill. When driving exclusively in built-up areas, fuel savings can amount to more than one litre per 100km. When the driver presses on the clutch pedal again, the engine fires up instantly. To cope with all this repeated starting, the starter motor has been uprated (starter, starter ring gear), as has the fuel injection system (pump and high-pressure injectors). The engine has been engineered for 410,000 starting cycles (over 300,000km), which is almost seven times more than the same figure for a conventional engine. ESM (Energy Smart Management) is a system that allows the kinetic energy produced under deceleration/braking to be recovered by the alternator and stored in the battery. Functions which consume electricity (heater, lights, radio, etc.) are directly fed by the battery to ease the work of the alternator. Recovered energy is notably employed to restart the vehicle.EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation): Renault has innovated with the launch of the European market's first engine to feature low pressure EGR technology. This solution recovers exhaust gases further downstream, once they have been through the turbine and particulate filter. They are cooled in a low pressure intercooler which enables them to be recirculated through the turbo mixed with air and thereby increase turbo pressure. The gases are then cooled by air in the turbo radiator and used for combustion a second time. This so-called 'cold loop' enables emissions of nitrogen oxides to be cut more efficiently than is the case with a conventional high pressure EGR, while engine efficiency is improved and combustion is of a higher quality. Low pressure EGR technology calls for an engine architecture that minimises the distance between the catalytic converter / particulate filter and the air intake, an arrangement known as a post-turbo after-treatment system. This proximity enables catalytic converters and particulate filters to function at higher temperatures and therefore more efficiently.Thermostat-controlled automatic-flow rate oil pump: the capacity of the oil pump (and therefore oil pressure) is adjusted as a function of the engine's needs at any given moment in order to reduce the pump's energy consumption. An oil temperature sensor makes real-time adjustments to minimise viscosity-related friction, which has a beneficial knock-on effect on fuel consumption.

zafaljujem! :bigl:

Pretekao me laguna Coupe v6, ali eto imate sad i c/p :)

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